Simpson Clinic Protocols for Telehealth During the Coronavirus Pandemic
March 24, 2020
These protocols are developed in response to the recent coronavirus pandemic, to enable the uninterrupted care for Simpson Clinic patients.
Telehealth has been identified to show promise in preserving isolation for at risk individuals while providing ongoing clinical care. Thus far the process has been of limited use due to the patients lack of required home equipment. Congress has lifted several HIPPA laws which now allow patients to use SKYPE and other similar platforms to perform telehealth, including phone conversations with health care providers.
Patients treated at Simpson Clinic are presently seen for multiple internal medicine conditions and treatment of chronic pain. The ability to obtain prescribed narcotic therapy without interruption is of upmost importance during this time of strict social distancing and in-house quarantines. Although at this time forced quarantines have not been used in our area, our patients are at higher risk of experiencing complications including death from the Coronavirus 19 infection. Most of our patients carry at least one if not multiple risk factors associated with a worse prognosis and likelihood of death. Therefore, it is the goal of the clinic to help patients self isolate while maintaining their level of medical treatment with no disruptions in this treatment.
To achieve this goal, the clinic will be calling all patients who are scheduled for follow up to assess their medical therapy. Medications required will then be sent to their pharmacy by prescribing. Patients scheduled for the second visit to Simpson Clinic will be called by Dr. Simpson to evaluate and monitor the initial prescribed treatment. Changes to any narcotic or other scheduled drug during this time will only be made by Dr Simpson. When the recommended quarantine is lifted the case numbers in the region will be evaluated daily to best determine the time which Simpson Clinic can safely resume regular operations.